Aku ? Boyfriend ? Cam x caye je ken , ken , ken ?
But that's the REAL DEAL ! Weee-Irrdddddd , Trust me Hun , I know it's weird
He's cute , he's hot , and he's got a facebook :D add him if u wanna ,
Tapikan , Korang rase aq gedik ke ? Takdelah , aq ade sorang budak ni , Mmg aq suke , tapi it's just "Puppy Love" It's not the real thing , Chooooooooopppppppppppppppp , Back to the real topic , Kawan aq tanye , die ske aq tak ? Die cakap oklah tapi die ckp aq ni GEDIX ! Aq ? Gedik ? Trust me , I'm not THAT gedik , I act like normal girls , Tying 2 act cute infront of hot boys ,,, Ain't EVERY girl lyke that ? Of course they do !
Ergghhh ! I think my head is gonna EXPLODEEEEEE !!!!
Tanak lah think psl boys at this age , Ergh , I must think Bout STUDY STUDY STUDY now xD !
I'M NOT A NERD ! Do I ? I think Nott , Hahahah , Bye lah , Nak Chaww ! xD
Ello Ello ! Long Time No See , sorry lah , I;ve been busy with school ,
and sisters , You know lah , when they are around , you just want to faint only , well , they are annoing , and irritating and sometimes MEAN . Yupp , I've said it , their MEAN . Try spending a day with them , you'll go NUTS ! Yea, I'm 100% sure , although they look cute from the outside , they are MONSTER-2 KECIK in the inside :) haha , tapi naseb baek diorang tu COMELLLLLL ! Well ,
tengoklah sape KAKAK die ken, ken ?
Okeyh , Hrmm nak cite ape lagi aek ? ha ! Aq g ICT icewalk hari tu ! Best , , Tapi yang paling best mase maen gelongsor panjang tu , SYI-OK ! Hahahah , ! Lagi aq nak cite ape ah ? ? Eyh, cop-2 aq ni pelik lah , tadi bukan maen lagi cakap B.I. tetibe jadi Bahase Melayu plak , Ngeee~~ Aq mmg kesengalan ^__^
Tengok 2 ? Tibe-2 Justin Bieber muncul dari mane aq tak tau , Haish takpela , Aqon dah tak tau nak cakap ape lagi ni :) TOODLOOE